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Parish Events and News

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Ash Wednesday

Join us for Mass and the beginning of the Lenten Season.  

                     Wednesday, March 5th, 2025

                              7:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.


150th Diocesan Anniversary

The marking of the 150th Anniversary of the Diocese of Peoria is meant to be a time of great spiritual, ecclesial, and social significance in the life of the local Church. The anniversary celebration of the Diocese of Peoria will begin on February 12, 2025 with the opening Mass at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Peoria, and will continue until the closing Mass on May 22, 2027. 

During this time, St. Mary Church will be one of six Pilgrimage Sites that may be visited.  
The faithful will be able to obtain the 150th Anniversary indulgence granted by the Holy Father if they partake in a pious pilgrimage to any sacred pilgrimage site.


Eucharistic Holy Hour

We offer adoration time weekly on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m.  Come sit and rest in our Lord's presence.  

Confessions are also available.  


Stations of the Cross

Walk with our Lord on his journey to Calvary.  Stations of the Cross are offered on all Fridays of Lent at 7:00 p.m.

Mass and Sacraments

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil Mass: 5pm

Sunday Masses: 8 and 10am

Weekday Masses: 7am

First Communion
& Confirmation

Arranged through our CCD program for children.  Adults please contact the church.


Online confession guide here.

Saturday: 4-4:45pm

Sunday: 7:30-7:45am

First Friday: 5:15-6:00pm

Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the church anytime day or night.

Holy Matrimony

Contact the church to schedule and begin preparation at least eight months before the wedding.


Contact the parish office to schedule an infant baptism.  

For adults, our regional RCIA program meets in the fall.

Mass and Sacraments

On Holy Thursday, April 11, 1675, Francis Jacques Marquette offered the first parochial Mass in the Illinois Country at Utica in the presence of 5,000 Native Americans. Father Marquette and his companion Louis Joliet, took possession of this land in the name of Jesus Christ and founded the Mission of the Immaculate Conception. A monument in his honor stands in the northeast corner of the property.


That mission eventually became the Church of Saint Mary. In 1858 a small frame church was built which was destroyed by fire seventeen years later and a brick and stone church was built on the site of the former Saint Mary School.


In 1883 the Reverend Charles Xavier O'Neill was appointed the first pastor of Saint Mary's but never took up residence there. The Reverend Canon Jeremiah Moynihan was appointed the first resident pastor in 1884. The Reverend Francis J. O'Reilly succeeded Canon Moynihan in 1888 and in the same year erected the present church.


Take a look at the Memorial's 1951 Commemorative Booklet.

Historic St. Mary's


Parish Calendar

Contact Us

St. Mary's Church

PO Box 159

303 S. Division Street

North Utica, IL 61373

Phone & Fax


Office Emails

Fr. Michael Driscoll, Pastor

Jennifer Newman, Secretary

Heather Leffers, CCD Coordinator

Bill Brown, Cemetery Sexton

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